C-130 YMC-130H Lockheed Hercules flight test accident crash

One of the measures thought of for a second prisoner rescue try in Persia was a project to develop a "Super STOL" craft, to be flown by Combat claw crews, that may use a football game construction close to the U.S.A. Embassy as Associate in Nursing makeshift flying field. known as Credible Sport, the project noninheritable  3 C-130H transports from Associate in Nursing airlift unit in late August 1980, one as a work and 2 for the mission, Associate in Nursingd changed them on an accelerated basis.

Designated because the XFC-130H, the craft were changed by the installation of thirty rockets in 5 sets: eight firing forward to prevent the craft, eight downward to brake its descent rate, eight rearward for takeoff assist, four mounted on the wings to stabilize them throughout takeoff transition, and 2 at the rear of the tail to stop it from hanging the bottom attributable to over-rotation. alternative STOL options enclosed a dorsal and 2 ventral fins on the rear body, double-slotted flaps and extended ailerons, a replacement radar dome, a tailhook for landing aboard Associate in Nursing war vessel, and Combat claw aeronautics, as well as a TF/TA measuring device, a defensive countermeasures suite, and a Doppler radar/GPS fixing to the aircraft's inertial guidance system.

Of the 3 craft, just one received full modification. The program short all over once it crashed throughout testing on Oct twenty nine, 1980, and international events shortly once rendered another rescue try moot.


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